As creatives and business owners we know how to make pretty things but not always how to get them in front of our audience right? Here are my 5 go to tips I use to help me build my audience on Facebook. Before anything you NEED a business page if you are wanting to truly build a sustainable business.
Facebook is social media so think of it as a where you hang out. That means your PERSONAL profile is where your friends and family hangout and where you “socialize”, hence the term “Social Media” (Yup, that’s an AHA moment right?) Think of your FB BUSINESS page as your “storefront”. It is where people find you, browse and shop for your products. Once you have your business page invite ALL your friends and family to like your page (though don’t be discouraged if they are not super supportive, they are usually not your ideal customer)
- Post- Remember that it is against FB terms of service to use your personal profile to conduct business so you want to post consistently on your business page so people know you are “open for business”. The recommended posting amount is about 4 times a day. I know your screaming “WHAT! That’s A LOT” Calm down, we all scroll through Facebook for hours on end, you can find time to make 4 post as your going through your day or schedule them in advance (which we can cover in another blog post)
- Share- Share everything you create on your business page then from there you can share the actual post onto your personal page so your friends and family can see not only your beautiful creations but also that you have a business page! It will peek their interest, TRUST ME!
- Engage- Be sure to engage with any comments on your post. If someone comments, you comment back! Even if just a “thank you” it helps the algorithm for your visibility.
- Keep it FUN! People don’t always want to see “business” posts 100% of the time. Be sure to incorporate some post in between that show your true personality. Maybe some funny memes or a poll to get viewers to comment or even an inspirational quote! It will keep your growing audience curious about what you will post next.
- Go Live! I know I know this is a hard one for me too but trust and believe it works! Try to go live 2 times a week for a minimum of 15 minutes and this will give your potential customers an inside look at who you are. Remember people buy from people they like!
Hope this helps and as always reach out to me if you have any additional questions! Lina, XO